Imagine being Empowered by Rest
I am so glad you are here, and I invite you to begin and travel along on this journey with me. I spent my whole life going, doing, and achieving, and I certainly haven't gotten it all figured out, but becoming aware of where I can be more restful has been a HUGE lesson for me. Our resilience is much deeper than what we do, but "doing" is a safe and expected path. Redefining our worth by who we are, not by what we do is a courageous journey. Empowering ourselves with rest and navigating our lives as rested women untethers our self-worth from our doing to our beingness. I am here to support you in discovering your own version of a rested life. Each offering is a space for inquiry into the treasures and gifts of resting. Let's live into this question together!
What is "Rest" Coaching?
Typically, a "coach" is thought of as a person who guides you through difficult and challenging aspects of life—those things we want to fix about ourselves. But coaches are also some of the best at seeing who we really are. They see our strengths and have the skill to encourage our growth, cheering us on and offering opportunities to expand, rise, and emerge into things we never thought possible for ourselves.
It turns out that including spaces of "REST" in our lives can feel difficult (myself included). Being balanced is more difficult than being ambitiously busy. For me, being busy was easy and my becoming more and more balanced came from being guided there. The first thing that really changed my idea about rest was understanding that rest is more than just going to bed at a decent hour and upping my "sleep hygiene" practices. "REST" is an umbrella term for seven different types of active and passive rest practices.
Seven types of active and passive rest practices are:
Being guided (by my teacher Karen Brody) to identify where I most needed nourishing was life-changing. It turned out that what I needed the most was time spent with good people. My ambitiously busy isolated me, and my body, heart, and mind were in need of human connection. I never considered that being with people could be a form of "rest". See, not all rest is passive. Sometimes, like in my life, active rest is what we need. So, I nourished myself by connecting with a few small groups of like-minded women. The results were immediate, and I recall having an "of course!" confirmation. After a few afternoons with a group of amazing women, I began to understand what an active rest practice looked like and felt like. Some other things that came up for me that you might relate to are:
Do you lack the energy to do all the tasks on your to do list?
Do you feel tired but often toss and turn with your mind, brainstorming solutions to daytime problems?
Do you have an ongoing critical inner monologue?
Are you always thinking ahead and seldom really present?
Do you repetitively compensate with apologies or clarifications?
Are you distant from any higher power?
Do you feel a consistent dissatisfaction?
Do you feel alone, detached, or isolated from others?
Are you sensitive to noise or boisterous situations?
Do you talk yourself out of self-care or focus on the needs of others?
There are three empowering stages of claiming a more restful life.
Stage one: Know
Stage two: Speak
Stage three: Act
The first stage is to know. I love the thought that when we know better, we can do better. It's not until we are aware that we can change. You may sense that something is off, or there is an inkling of something different, but you are not even sure what that might be. Discovering what you want is the very first step. That's where our coaching begins. Together, we uncover what's holding you in the patterns of doing, achieving, people pleasing, and no boundaries that make you exhausted or even on the edge of burnout.
The second stage grows naturally from a more rested you. Once we open the door to what's possible as you learn and begin to practice which active and passive rest practices you need the most- you will be more and more rested. A calm confidence begins to arrive, and it's from this space that you begin to nourish a "RESTED" voice.
It's here, with your rested body and liberated voice, that you begin to fully emerge into a rested path. The energies of restful, calm, slower, less is more, non-hurried, grounded, confident, non-harming, present........all support your daily actions. Each day becomes a new opportunity to be more of you instead of doing more of you.
My specialized Rest offerings
A Daring to Rest Offering
APRIL 2024
Weekly gatherings to attend live or listen later
This offering includes:
Weekly 90-minute LIVE session of learning, inquiry and guided rest.
Weekly Guided Meditation audios to practice with
Tactics and Tools for creating a more restful life
Membership to Private Rest Curious Facebook Group
Weekly 75-minute Rest Reboot & Group Coaching Session